Linear Logic and the Four Elements

Here is an alignment between two of my favorite topics, the four operators of linear logic and the four elements.

I’ve been wanting to create this eight-fold for a while, and so here it is. I think it looks rather nice.

At this point I should present my reasons for this symbolic amalgam, but I leave it up to you, dear reader.

However, I will write the names of the symbols starting with the upper left and going widdershins…

  • Fire / With
  • Earth / Plus
  • Water / Times
  • Air / Par

[*5.188, *11.26, *13.82]


The Diamond Approach Design Method

Again, I have taken a diagram and bent it into my preferred vision. At least the original figures have isosceles right triangles to begin with. However, they were in a left-to-right sequence (ordered by time) instead of a cycle as I have done. On many diagrams of the diamond approach there are indeed loops that return the user to positions earlier in the sequence so I don’t feel too bad.

The steps that are part of the diamond approach are reminiscent of other learning cycles, such as that of Kolb. The original left-to-right sequence emphasizes the order, as well as showing that steps may be divergent or convergent (analytic or synthetic) in their methods. Instead I have denoted divergence by arrows facing away from each other and convergence by arrows facing towards each other.

    • Discover (divergent)
    • Define (convergent)
    • Develop (divergent)
    • Deliver (convergent)

The main creator of the Diamond Approach is A. H. Almaas, who has written many books on spirituality or esoteric subjects such as the Enneagram. Being a skeptical sort, I have no idea if the notions and methods in these books are worth your time, but the goals indeed sound laudable. How do they differ from psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, or other techniques to improve mental health? Further reading may be required before you pay for classes and retreats.

Further Reading:

[*13.74, *13.75]
