Whitehead’s Criteria for Metaphysical Theories

Note that consistency and coherency are considered rational, and that applicability and adequacy are considered empirical. This has importance for Heideggar’s Fourfold since the rational is revealed,  and the empirical is concealed. For Linear Logic, additive conjunction and multiplicative disjunction are reversible, yet additive disjunction and multiplicative conjunction are irreversible.


Alfred North Whitehead / Process and Reality

Frederick Ferre / Being and Value:  toward a constructive postmodern metaphysics

Mark Graves / Mind, Brain, and Elusive Soul: human systems of cognitive science and religion

Paul Reid-Bowen / Goddess as Nature: towards a philosophical theology

[*6.12, *6.70]


Heidegger’s Fourfold (das Geviert)

We are too late for the gods and too early for Being. Being’s poem, just begun, is man.

— From Thinker as Poet by Martin Heidegger

“Every man makes a god of his own desire.”


Note that Heidegger’s Fourfold is a perfect schema for the Tower of Babel: while mortals strive to join the earth and sky, the gods undo their efforts by turning their unity into multiplicity.


Graham Harman / Tool-Being: Heidegger and the Metaphysics of Objects





Andrew J. Mitchell / The Fourfold: Reading the Late Heidegger (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)


[*6.2, *6.3, *6.56, *6.62, *9.163]
